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Product details
File Size: 1386 KB
Print Length: 282 pages
Publication Date: December 11, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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Even better than the first book in the series, Black Butterflies takes us on an endearing character's search to find the man her daughter must not marry. Along the way we meet delightful people, and the story unfolds in unexpected ways. I loved this book. It takes us to a place both ancient and modern in every way and has an ending so satisfying and unusual that you will want to share this book with others, as I did.
I read the first book in this two-book "Greek series," The illegal Gardner, and absolutely loved it. This is what inspired me to read the second book, Black Butterflies. I was surprised that a minor character in the first book became the major character in the second book and the major character in the first book became a minor character in the second. The result is two different perspectives of life in Greece, one from an ex-pat, in the first book, and one from a Greek. I advise reading The Illegal Gardner first.
Marina, Eleni, Artemis, Petra, Ireni, Zoe and Bobby, Panos, Papas, Costa Voulgaris... Names so musical and so, well, Greek. An old Greek island, full of history and memories, yet growing a little more modern to appease the tourists. Bougainvilla, stone steps, whitewashed walls, red tile roofs, donkeys, cats, and stray dogs; quayside cafes with boutsakas and coffee. This place is the setting, these people are the lives you have been made privy to. The author has brought a wonderful story to life. Martina's secret has kept her from loving her daughter Eleni. Eleni's secret kept her angry at her mom. The loss of a baby boy, Marina's friendship with first the boat captain (and his fiance, who brings her to the island, then Zoe's family where she lodges, then meeting the cafe keeper Costas (who has his own secrets!) and Panos the barber and Papos the priest, and Maria, who makes so many things clear- the story will touch your heart, the suspense of knowing will cause you to smile and cry. And then there are the beautiful black butterflies that finally come together in recognition. Feast on this beautifully drawn tale of life and love and loss and new beginnings.While this book is ostensibly one of three, I did not read the first, nor have I yet read the last, but I found nothing lacking and nothing that needed adding to this book. While the beginning may seem a bit slow and meandering, if you stay the course, I promise you will be delighted!
Expecting a continuation of the first book, The Illegal Gardener, and more time with Juliet, the main character in that first tale, I was disappointed to find Marina and her life as the story line. She is the overweight shopkeeper in the first book, and didn't seem interesting enough to take center stage. Her story was all pretty predictable and overly dramatic. Some of the characters on the island did not seem real at all, more caricatures - Bobby, Eleni, the millionaire waiter. Marina, herself, was not terribly appealing; the giggling in a 40-something woman was unsettling. Unlike one reviewer, I liked the cats roaming the island as they do in many countries, Greece and Turkey particularly. Once again, the locale was well drawn, and I had a vivid image of the island and its terrain. Now I'm thinking that each book to follow will have as its main character one of the peripheral ones from the first book. I will read reviews carefully before buying subsequent books in the series.
I read the first in the series and curiosity kept me going. I still prefer the first book out of all four but reading all of them gave a more complete picture. I liked this storyline for the most part even though I figured it out fairly early. I don't like the writer's need to have cats mentioned so much and luckily this doesn't really carry on in the other books. Also, everyone is always 'giggling'. I think that could have been worded differently. You'll have to read to see what I mean. I know it doesn't sound like it but I do recommend it. The mental picture the author gives you of Greece is worth it.
This is another book I chose based on reviews - not the number of stars but on the descriptions of the story. It was not what I expected: it was much more, and much better.Starting out, the tale is told in the third person using the present tense, which was awkward to read. Yet I persisted, as I wanted to see if the book was as lovely as foretold. It was. Within several chapters, although still mystified by the main character's purpose (Marina, an older Greek widow) in her journey to a small island from her past, I had become entranced by the slow, intimate feel of the writing, as it made me feel as if I was there with Marina. The use of present tense added to this feeling. As I journeyed with Marina, I saw the island through the author's writing. Small details added to each moment, and I found myself savoring them. I have read other books set on Grecian islands, including those by Mary Stewart, and this book is the best I have read yet in terms of capturing the often-told magic of life on a Grecian island.A key to this story is a Greek saying that the author mentions: that when seeking something or someone, Greece provides the person you need, even if you don't realize it. As the mystery behind the purpose of Marina's journey unveiled itself, (and for me one part of the mystery wasn't one for long,) I found that for me, the mysteries weren't compelling me to continue. It was the internal journey of Marina that keep me turning pages, as it seemed each person she meets adds another layer to the answers she seeks. As she travels the island in her search, her own self is slowly exposed to her and to the reader. At what at first seems to be an odd point, a sudden shift to a dramatic sea rescue during which Marina is a helpless bystander, adds to the depth of the story and propels it forward with a new vigor to the resolution of the mysteries that drive Marina.This is the first book I have read by this author. Although it is the second in a series, I felt no disadvantage at starting with it. I am looking forward to reading more of the series. The characters are varied and interesting, the setting is exquisite and is exquisitely described, and the last chapters were extremely satisfying.I thoroughly enjoyed this book. At one point I was so immersed in the story that a sound from outside seemed to my ears to be the call of some exotic Grecian seabird. This book cannot be classified easily, such as a mystery story or a romance. It is to me, quite simply, good, very good, fiction. If I had a bookstore, I would shelve it with literature.This is a book that can be read lightly, but do as I found myself doing; read each word, savor each sentence, and feel life slow down to the rate of a small village where most transport is by donkey or cart. You will emerge renewed. I did.
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