Get Free Ebook Ninja Air Fryer Cookbook: Simple, Easy and Delicious Ninja Air Fryer Recipes That Anyone Can Cook
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Ninja Air Fryer Cookbook: Simple, Easy and Delicious Ninja Air Fryer Recipes That Anyone Can Cook
Get Free Ebook Ninja Air Fryer Cookbook: Simple, Easy and Delicious Ninja Air Fryer Recipes That Anyone Can Cook
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Product details
Series: air fryer cookbook (Book 1)
Paperback: 85 pages
Publisher: Independently published (November 30, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1790587743
ISBN-13: 978-1790587742
Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 0.2 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
119 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#9,706 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Some of the recipes weren’t exactly the type my family likes, but there are quite a few that are. A lot of good information on how to use an air fryer!
I would have given one star but there is some good info in there to use as a reference. The book may show a picture of the Ninja air fryer but the recipes are obviously not written for one. Some directions say to set the temp at temperatures that you cannot be set on the Ninja. Ingredients don't always match the directions. One recipe had green peppers listed in the ingredients but called for chili peppers in the directions. I have tried several recipes, & had to mark up changes & revision for the next time. If you use this book, keep an eye on what your cooking. With the times & temps being off you could easily destroy your meal.
The recipes were for dishes I would never make. Thought it would have the basics like baked potato, home fries, boiled eggs, steak etc. none of them were in this book. I wanted a start at basics AF Ninja cookbook. I will never use this book, not even to refer to.
I would have given I ZERO stars, but amazon doesn’t give that option. This “cookbook†is absolutely useless unless you want “State Fair†greasy “fried†everything.Save your money.
I returned this cookbook because it was obvious upon my first quick review that there are inaccurate recipes in it. A crabcake recipe, for instance, called for making 4 crabcakes from a half cup of crab meat. How is that possible. I felt I couldn't trust it after looking at other recipes.
This fantastic cookbook has different finger-licking fried meals. I found yummiest breakfast, lunch, main dishes, side dishes, snacks and dessert recipes here.
This book has many good recipes; however, the first one I tried did not include an ingredient in the directions. I will look more closely at the other recipes before trying them. The book does have lots of good ideas and is written in a large font which is great.
Works great
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