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Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing
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"Dr. Joy DeGruy's Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing is a masterwork. Her deep understanding, critical analysis, and determination to illuminate core truths are essential to addressing the long-lived devastation of slavery. Her book is the balm we need to heal our selves and our relationships. It is a gi of wholeness."--Susan Taylor, editorial director, Essence "Dr. Joy DeGruy is a priceless asset to us all. She has li ed the bandages from the four hundred-year-old abscess of slavery that remains unhealed. Many black and white Americans have been taught that slavery ended by legislative means in 1865--so the issue is neatly sidestepped in school curricula, print and broadcast media. However, the hallmark of classroom teaching and responsible journalism must be proper context--for full understanding. e removal of the slave shackle is important, but what about the emotional damage su ered by the enslaved?""Dr. DeGruy has raised this argument brilliantly, for years lecturing far and wide. Her many appearances on my program, Like It Is, have evoked huge audience reactions from our viewers. Many have told me how coming to understand Dr. DeGruy's message on Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome has helped them grapple with the multiplicity of problems today. I share those feelings of my viewers.""Now Dr. DeGruy has set down her highly important message/thesis in print. And so, to quote this wondrous physician, Let the healing begin."--Gil Noble, producer and host, Like It Is, WABC"Dr. DeGruy's book is seminal research in the eld of di erential cross- cultural diagnosis for mental health. Cultural Competence is a requirement for mental health and behavioral science workers. is text is required reading for all learners and practitioners. It is a vast reservoir of the how, why what, when, and where for much of the enduring injury and psychic pain of African Americans. is text moves us beyond de cit modeling and pathology; it opens a window to innovative models for healing in our multi-ethnic, pluralistic and linguistically diverse society."--Edwin J. Nichols, Ph.D, Clinical/industrial psychologist"At last, the book that all people who are truly interested in understanding the lingering psychological and social impact of enslavement on Africans and Europeans has arrived. It is no exaggeration to say that Dr. DeGruy's Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome will mark a milestone in the understanding of the relationship between racism and slavery. Read this book again and again and then give it to your friends, family and colleagues who want to understand how the ghost of slavery haunts us all."--Dr. Ray Winbush, Institute for Urban Research, Morgan State University
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Product details
Paperback: 252 pages
Publisher: Joy Degruy Publications Inc; Revised ed. edition (September 11, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0985217278
ISBN-13: 978-0985217273
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
161 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#9,861 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I'm beginning my journey to self identify and this was a great start. It really opened my eyes to consider how certain traits, attitudes, and behaviors have been passed down through generations. I been questioning a lot of habits I have and what I will do differently for my future family. I wonder how, as an emerging educator, I can tap in the minds of children and adolescents to teach them about who they were to change who they'll be. After reading this, I believe the way to break the cycles in my community begin knowing where and why the cycles came to be
Dr. Joy DeGruy wrote this book that is necessary for every American especially African American to read. I have been on my own personal journey to healing some past traumas and within the last couple of months I began to realize that some of the unconscious patterns of thought and actions didn’t start with me my parents or my parents parents. Unfortunately after studying the chakras, yoga, Louise hay, therapist and etc. I still didn’t get to the root of it all and no one touches on the intricate effects of slavery and PTSS as Dr. Joy explains. I recently participated in a really deep intense breathing seminar with a large group of people and an intuitive healer. We let out breaths that were done for over an hour allowing us to release and let me just say what I realeased was not mine and was deeply embedded in me. I really got the feeling I was releasing the excruciating pain of being whipped, drowned, or experiencing some horrific trauma of one of my ancestors as a slave. I cried out in so much pain and uncontrollable movements in my body and wanted it to stop I remember grasping the healers arm in panic as I was reassured that everything was ok and to surrender. I say this to say this really left me shook and catapulted me into really figuring out what more I needed to realease because the space of serenity I felt afterwords was too profound to explain and scary to realize I was carrying that load and didnt even know it. Do the work if your ancestors were brought here unwillingly and start healing communities.
Opened my eyes to the causes of so much dysfunction within the African American community. It explained things that I questioned within my own family. I finished the book with a better understanding but also a great concern for my community and its future. I am still working through the grief of knowing the truth behind our behaviors. I'd recommend it to anyone, but especially African Americans, because we don't fully know why we behave the way we do. My criticisms are that after the diagnosis, what is full plan for resolution? That might be too much to ask, however, there are so many books on the diagnosis. It's the equivalent of going to 20 doctors that diagnose you with the same illness but none of them offer a cure. And you suspect that the cure is hard to swallow for the doctor and you because it will change the world by turning it upside down.
The book was recommended by a neighborhood friend from my past. When I purchased the book and began reading I could not put it down. I have long been an advocate of promoting justice and have; demonstrating against acts of prejudice and discrimination.Dr. Joy DeGruy did an excellent job in terms of connecting our present with our past. Thank you... Makes one think and allows one to reflect and move forward wisely.
I Love this book!! I as did Dr DeGruy have always had questions about myself, my family members as well as the African American community as to why we act a certain way towards each other. Why do we hate each other, quit school so frequently, give up on our dreams, become teenage parents at such young ages, and the list goes on. This book breaks down to the very core of why we do this to ourselves as well as break down why "white" society treats us as they do. Slavery was two sided and affected both races in a negative way. If you read this book and take in "truth" it will change your life forever whether black or white. It is a must have for the African American family if you want to know where to start to affect change in your house starting with knowing how to fix yourself. Dr Degruy gives you a starting point of what the issues are and what you need to do to start the positive changes that's needed in our lives! Please, PLEASE, Please purchase this book!
Everyone should read this book! It should be managed in HS and Colleges throughout America. Maybe then we can come together as a people and abolish classism and level the playing field.
Dr. Joy DeGruy's insight and passion and personality are transmitted with every syllable. Multigenerational trauma due to 246 years of American Chattel Slavery and systematic racism has left a large seeping open wound in the minds, bodies and souls of the descendants of american slaves. We have to focus on rebuilding our emotional physical mental and financial selves as well as our children. Let the healing begin!!!
This book honestly changed my perception about a lot of things and helped me to realize why America is the way it is today. This book is so interesting and such an eye opener, sometimes I had to put the book down to reflect on what I just read.Definitely purchase this!
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